Thursday, October 29, 2009

Saving Money on Wormer

Frugal Equestrian doesn't have to be an oxymoron. I'll regularly be posting about how to save money on all your horse's needs. One of the money pits of regular horse ownership is buying wormer every month or two.

If you buy your wormer at your local feed store the average cost is between $7 and $12 a tube. Over the course of the year that adds up to quite a bit - especially if you have multiple horses. Valley Vet offers a package of rotational wormers (enough to worm one horse every other month for a year) that costs $33.80 - plus shipping. That figures out to be about $5.63 a tube for name brand wormer (the ivermectiin is generic, but all the others are name brand). If you pay an average of $10 a tube and worm once a month you'd be saving around $80 per horse a year with shipping included. Not to mention the gas would you save by not making extra trips to the feed store.

Here is the link to the Premium Wormer Pack at


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